Appraisal & Consulting

Finding creative solutions to unique problems - by Brett Pellitier

Brett Pelletier is chief operating officer with Kirk&Company, Real Estate Counselors, Boston, Mass. ...

Virus crisis: Impact on real estate, some beneficial - by Daniel Calano

We are all getting a little tired and anxious, in hearing about corona virus. The news is full of uncertainty, which continues to drive down American confidence, stock value, and yes, even real estate values.

Industrial market overview in Boston - by Bill Pastuszek

In surveying the Boston Industrial market, I came across the following. CBRE’s 2020 Market Overview notes that “the U.S. Industrial market will see some dramatic shifts in 2020. Absorption gains will be difficult to achieve” where in some markets there are extremely low vacancy rates and limited space options.

What’s a residential lot worth and who buys them? - by Brian White

In the Seacoast area of New Hampshire, similar to many other markets in New England, the prices of single residential lots have dramatically increased over the past several years along with the prices of single family homes. After examining the asking and

Hybrid appraisals: A step forward or a step back? - by Steven Spangle

Articles about hybrid appraisals are increasingly being written as these types of appraisals become increasingly popular with clients. Some appraisers are embracing them as the future of the appraisal industry while others are refusing to take these types of assignments. 

The spring market is here! Appraisers need to stay current - Maria Hopkins

The spring market has arrived. We are hearing from many real estate professionals that there is a lack of inventory for their buyers. In many areas there are lines of people waiting to look at every house with multiple offers over asking. Pent up demand coupled with record low interest rates

2020 is in full swing as we head into the spring! - by George Demopulos

The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute 2020 is in full swing as we head into the spring! Our next Board of Directors meeting is being held on Wednesday, March 24th in Braintree, MA at the Braintree Residence Inn.

The price of a good story: Appraising stigmatized properties - by Laurie Mentz Nichols

One of my favorite things about being an appraiser is sharing “war room” stories. Many of the tales I’ve heard over the years are common in the sense that they include the typical things encountered on inspections - animals, unique features, persons in a state of dishabille, or questionable items on the property.

Addressing the current black swan disruptor - by David Kirk

The contagion from COVID-19 has been a black swan disruptor resulting in collaborative communication and cooperation within the global economy. The built environment is vulnerable. The built environment can also be a constructive component in containing

Real state design: Short shelf life for a “permanent” structure - by Daniel Calano

Recently, I have been doing some market analysis consulting for a developer in Naples, Florida regarding “What buyers want” in housing. The bottom line was that buyers want something different than they wanted five years ago, which was different than five