Appraisal & Consulting

Portfolio punch for 2019 and 2020 - by David Kirk

Year-end portfolio adjustments for tax, performance and allocation strategies are the logical foundation for tweaking budgets, resetting spending/saving plans for commercial real estate for 2020. Financial media and analysts/accountants focus on publicly traded investments,

Consumer retail good - Brick & mortar continues to decline - Daniel Calano

Our real estate office has been in Harvard Sq. for over 20 years. Over that time, there was not a lot of physical building change, often due to a general respect for small local shops catering to Harvard professors, students and neighbors. Now, and over the last few years, the square is full

Mass/RI Chapter of Appraisal Institute and MBREA hosted the New England Appraisers Expo on October 21st

Norwood, MA The Mass/RI Chapter of Appraisal Institute and MBREA hosted the New England Appraisers Expo on October 21st at the Four Points by Sheraton Norwood,

Opinions of value - and why they differ - by Mark Plourde

“What’s my property worth?” It seems like a simple question, but depending on whom you ask, the answer may vary – and sometimes by a lot. Why is there such a difference? Well, for starters - perhaps it wasn’t clear just “what” the

Life science building conversions in metro Boston - by Thomas Jensen

As the global life science industry continues to mature and grow, the level of demand for lab space in metros like Boston have far out-stripped the available supply for some time now. This is true especially in key life science

What’s with this market? The expansion continues...- by Bill Pastuszek

The expansion continues (Part VI, or something like that). I’ve been having discussions with appraisers, lenders, investors, experts and pretty much anyone who will engage in conversations, casual or formal. I continue to be amazed

CT Chapter of the Appraisal Institute president’s message - by Laurie Nichols

It’s that time of year for Connecticut appraisers when the once colorful leaves start to blanket the ground, there is a nip in the air, and the dreaded realization hits that the end of the continuing education (CE) cycle is nigh.

Pause in the portfolio - period of adjustment is important - by David Kirk

The importance of periods of adjustment cannot be overstated. Everybody has a portfolio, choices to be made. The pause can be as aggressive and critical as the buy or the sell to maintain balance and the frontier. The pause is not

Affordable housing: Is zoning the enemy or the solution? by Daniel Calano

Recently, a local municipality has been considering a vote that would allow affordable housing projects to circumvent key parts of long established zoning. Circumvent is a polite word, since in this particular proposal the planning board, board

You need this license. You need to keep your certifications - by Cohen and Sousa

Around the country, there are 42 appraiser licensing jurisdictions where an appraiser’s license is required for all types of appraisals. Massachusetts mandates a license for federally related transactions but not for all appraisals. Who knew?