Appraisal & Consulting

Pick it up: 2020 is the New Next Decade - by David Kirk

Commercial real estate markets will continue to be increasingly competitive and decreasingly liquid as 2020 unfolds. Many traditional measures such as rent, selling prices, vacancy/occupancy rates will slideways, or bounce marginally in both directions.

Jobs boom vs. Housing: Can Boston handle the growth? - by Daniel Calano

Mark Twain once summarized Benjamin Disraeli’s statement that there are “lies, damn lies, and statistics.” In researching the question of whether housing supply can keep up with new job growth, I found myself siding with Twain.

The Mass. and R.I. chapter of the Appraisal Institute host holiday meeting and installation of officers and directors

Norwood, MA The Mass. and R.I. chapter of the Appraisal Institute hosted its holiday meeting and installation of officers and directors on December 4th at Four Points by Sheraton. George Demopulos was named the 2020 president.

How was 2019 for the housing market? by Bill Pastuszek

From the Massachusetts Association of Realtors (MAR): The number of homes for sale and new homes added to the market went down in October. A spokesman notes, “Homeowners seem more inclined to stay off the market rather than risk having nothing to buy after the sale goes through

Maine Chapter of Appraisal Institute’s president’s message - by Tina O'Connell

I wanted to take a moment to personally thank Don MacKay for his hard work over the past year as president of the chapter. He has done a tremendous job keeping up with the many tasks required of him. He deserves some recognition for his strong leadership, which has had a broad

The write stuff - by Roger Durkin

Successful narrative appraisal report writing is based in the recognition that the appraisal report is an argument. An argument is a set of assertions supported by logic and evidence. According to USPAP and Black’s Law Dictionary, the term credible means worthy of belief.

Appraising dev. sites: With vs. without entitlements - by Thomas Jensen

Appraising a development site often requires “as is” and “as entitled” scenarios. However, larger sites tend to have a limited number of recent comparable transactions available for review. Therefore, a paired sales analysis of sites “with” and “without” entitlements is not always possible.

MA/RI Chapter of AI President’s final message - by Greg Curtis

It has been another productive year for the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. The chapter had a record 13 newly designated members, including 10 MAIs and three SRAs.  Additionally, three RAs haves earned an AI-RRS and one MAI has earned an AI-GRS for a total of 17 new designees.

Keeping up with Portsmouth - Stephen Bergeron

In recent decades, the city of Portsmouth seems to have changed more drastically than any other community in New Hampshire. Before discussing some of these changes, I thought it would be interesting to note some of the demographic characteristics that make Portsmouth unique.

Hold the SALT - How has this impacted real estate? - by Albert Franke

SALT, as you may know, is an acronym for State and Local Taxes. It was first introduced to us through An Act to Provide Reconciliation Pursuant to Titles II and V of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2018, better known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA).