Appraisal & Consulting

Surveys, pundits, and the big picture - by Bill Pastuszek

We know that real estate markets are highly stratified, pretty illiquid and not overly transparent. There are not huge numbers of buyers, sellers, and transactions in a lot of asset classes.

Growth and underwriting: Keep your hands on the wheel - by David Kirk

Commercial real estate investment benefits generally from economic growth. Slicing and dicing the data and going deeper than the headlines and sound bites provides greater comfort for the commercial propert

Former trustee and vice president of the MBREA, Russell passes away

Boston, MA The Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Appraisers (MBREA) is saddened to note the death of William Russell, RA, a former MBREA Trustee and Officer.

Fed watch: Too consumer price index reliant?

There has been a great deal of reporting on the federal funds rate, inflation, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In short, they are all related in that the mandate for the Federal Reserve Bank is to optimize employment

Advisra Consulting hires O’Brien as senior analyst and Nichols as analyst

New Haven, CT According to Advisra Consulting, Marty O’Brien and Laurie Mentz Nichols, SRA, AI-RRS have joined John Leary, MAI, CRE and Al Franke, MAI, SRA in the firm’s valuation and advisory

Appraisal modernization? Is this the future? Is this evolution, revolution, or regression? - by Bill Pastuszek

Appraisal modernization? Is this the future of appraisal? Is this evolution, revolution, or regression? The March 2019 Fannie Mae Newsletter ( raises some truly revolutionary (to some) points. See the following Q&As.

Watching and managing debt: We’re paying close attention - by Kirk and Pelletier

First quarter securities market has been resilient, albeit temperamental. The fixed income market has fluctuated if not gyrated with movements in treasuries sending mixed signals. Further, a partial and sporadic inverted yield curve on government securities has been recorded irregularly during the quarte

Appraisal clients and the appraisal report - by Steven Spangle

An appraiser has an obligation under the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP) to prepare an appraisal report that is not misleading and which contains sufficient information to enable the client and any intended users of the appraisal to understand the report properly.

Factors to consider for life science building conversions - by Thomas Jensen

As the global biotech industry continues to mature and grow, the levels of demand for lab space in metros like Boston have far out-stripped the available supply for some time now. This is true especially in key life science clusters like Kendall Sq. in Cambridge.

Company of the Month: Zaxia provides solution for lenders struggling to excel in demanding lending environment

Cambridge, MA After the financial recession/crisis of 2008, the landscape for commercial lenders changed very dramatically. First, the compliance environment changed quite significantly.