Appraisal & Consulting

NH-VT chapter of Appraisal Institute plans for a busy 2019 - by Brian White

The former New Hampshire and Vermont Chapters of the Appraisal Institute merged into a single chapter one year ago. The combined chapter is now known as the New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter. David Cornell, MAI and 2018 president of the chapter oversaw the merger and the first year operating

2018: A year in review from the Maine Appraisal Institute past president - by Russell Barrows

I started 2018 as the recently installed president of the Maine Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. Throughout this past year, I significantly benefited from the efforts, insight and experiences of the chapter officers and directors. Please allow me this opportunity to thank them for their efforts

MA/RI chapter presidents message: Kicking off 2019 - by Greg Curtis

As 2018 comes to a close I’m gearing up to serve as the president of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. On December 4 at the top floor restaurant of Boston’s Federal Reserve office tower, I was sworn in as chapter president along with the three other officers and eight members of the board of directors. 

The appraisal landscape is rapidly changing - by Steven Spangle

The appraisal landscape is rapidly changing. There are a number of newer types of appraisal products and appraisal requirements are changing. Change is never easy and appraisers are challenged to keep abreast of what is proposed and what is in effect.

Looking at 2018 from the rear view mirror - by Rocco Quaresima

As we enter the new year filled with new (or some of the same old) resolutions, it is important that these resolutions do not go unfilled. Looking back as the outgoing 2018 president of the Connecticut Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, 2018 was filled with many successes and challenges.

Get ready for a 2019 reset for commercial real estate - by David Kirk

Capital sources for commercial real estate are generally flush if cautiously prepared to invest during 2019. How flush will be apparent in the forthcoming weeks as term sheets are exchanged on debt and equity commitments, and offers on properties and portfolios.

Fed rates: A determined game plan, unwinding or not? - by Daniel Calano

Between the time I started and finished this article, I changed my mind twice. Why? Because it’s about interest rates. You know what I mean…total uncertainty. Six months ago, I wrote about increases in interest rates, but noted that there were no onerous real estate impacts to that date.

Hello to the commercial real estate community! - by Scott Bussey

Conn-Comp is working on its second major redesign in two years that will greatly deliver new value to our customers at no additional cost! We have been very busy speaking with our customers to provide a better product. We are committed to continual improvement! 

Rumblings from the deep version two: Markets seem to be showing stability - by Bill Pastuszek

“Are we there yet?” This could be the kids in the back seat or a way of asking if this long, long, long commercial real estate expansion is no longer. This end of days concept has been written about a lot over the past few years. 

Surviving the multifamily suppocalypse in Boston - by Mark Hickey

Unless you’ve been living in a cave the past few years, it’s impossible not to notice the tremendous amount of apartment supply hitting Boston, though we are not unique in this regard, as many metropolitan areas around the country are in a similar situation.