Appraisal & Consulting

New alternative valuations is called a hybrid appraisal - by Jared Preisler

Jared Preisler, SRA, is chief appraiser for DataMaster, Layton, UT. ...

Managing the residential value dispute process - by Russell Barrows

Appraisers are in a profession that encounter a high-level of scrutiny. First, our reports must pass whatever internal review process is in place within our own work environment. Second, they must pass AMC and / or lender processing

Valuation services - what appraisers do - a refresher course - by Bill Pastuszek

Appraisers are well-trained and well-suited to provide a wide variety of valuation and valuation-related services. Appraisers (and their clients) often underestimate appraisers’ abilities and the additional services they can provide.

Who knows best? Why, an appraiser of course! - by Steven Elliott

So, when Jeff called and asked if I could put together an article in 48 hours, and he suggested I work off something recent, I thought well, that’s an easy way out but no, I won’t do it. Well, upon reconsideration, yes, I partially will.

Golf communities: Moving in, or moving out? - by Daniel Calano

Weeks ago, I read a story in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) suggesting people were leaving golf communities in order to move downtown to experience more urban living.  Like other suburban transplants, they were looking for neighborhood,

Housing affordability - Economic feasibility - by Brett Pelletier

Reports throughout the Boston commercial real estate markets are positive and the outlook for the year is, as ever, cautiously optimistic; nothing new there.  Rents are up, pricing is up, occupancy is up, the pipeline is full, and employment is near full.

E-Commerce: Winners and losers - by Rocco Quaresima

E-Commerce has long been blamed for the weakening of brick and mortar retailers as we continue to witness big box stores close their doors. Landlords are typically left with large spaces that are often costly and difficult to reconfigure into

Appraisal is a process which finds rationality in market behaviors - by Bill Pastuszek

Appraisal is a process which finds rationality in market behaviors that strike the average person as mysterious, not logical, and sometimes irrational. In markets such as we are experiencing today there is a certain inexorable motion where many are striving to see what may be below the surface.

“Selling” your property to the appraiser - by Rey Archambault

Rey Archambault, SRA is principal of Archambault & Associates, Southington, Conn. ...

Continue to perform appraisals at the highest levels - by Steven Elliott

Steven Elliott, SRA, MRA, is principal at Elliott Gottschalk & Associates, Ashland, Mass. ...