Appraisal & Consulting

Heath of United Bank and Saragosa of Shuka Associates earn MAI

Malden, MA Sandra Heath, MAI, head of appraisal at United Bank of Hartford, Conn., and Anthony Saragosa, MAI, an appraiser at Shuka Associat...

Following the Fed: Reliable resource for market context - by David Kirk

David Kirk, CRE, MAI, FRICS, is principal and founder of Kirk & Company, Real Estate Counselors, Boston. ...

Mortgage rates up: But, housing demand still strong - by Daniel Calano

It’s finally happening. Residential mortgage rates are moving up, as rates increased for the fifth week in a row. The Federal Reserve had hiked interbank lending rates four times last year, but, during that period, bank lending rates did not increase significantly.

USPAP 2020 Discussion Draft: Exposure drafts and transparency - by Bill Pastuszek

With the coming of a even numbered New Year, a new version of USPAP is with us. As of January 2018, the new version of USPAP, good through December 31, 2109, is with us. 

Metro-Boston appraisers vs. rural Vermont appraisers - by Sean Sargeant

In general, I’m extremely jealous of metro-Boston appraisers. While you may think it’s due to the fact you work in a world-class city and have access to some of the best schools, entertainment, sports teams and medical providers in the country, it’s actually because at times you get to appraise in an environment with positive demand metrics.

The appraiser as an intellectual idiot - by Roger Durkin

I was intending to talk to you about the appraisal of esoteric complex properties like Whitey Bulger’s liquor store, value of the only known tea box from the Boston Tea Party, the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant nuclear waste issue, the Quincy Shipyard $100 million bankruptcy

Residential highest and best use pitfalls (two cents worth) - by Russell Barrows

Russell Barrows, SRA, is 2018 president of ME Chapter of Appraisal Institute and president of Dirigo Valuation, Inc., Portland, ME. ...

February MA/RI Chapter of Appraisal Institute president’s message - by Bud Clarke

Bud Clarke, MAI, is the 2018 president of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and senior vice president at...

February CT Chapter of Appraisal Institute president’s message - by Rocco Quaresima

Rocco Quaresima is the 2018 president of the Connecticut Chapter of Appraisal Institute and president of Elm Realty Advisors, LLC, Hartford,...

The ramp in rates and roads is ready - by David Kirk

David Kirk, CRE, MAI, FRICS, is principal and founder of Kirk & Company, Real Estate Counselors, Boston. ...