Appraisal & Consulting

What’s good for the property is good for the users - by David Kirk

Infrastructure and readiness are on the minds of everyone lately, especially in the wake of recent disasters and crises around the country and around the globe. Mobility, nimbleness, and the ability to pivot are universal themes and relate to commercial real estate as we think harder about discrete implications.

VRBO or Airbnb: User versus neighbors - by Daniel Calano

Daniel Calano, CRE, is the managing partner and principal of Prospectus, LLC, Cambridge, Mass.  ...

Reconciliation can similarly be complex for appraisals - by David Kirk

Appraisals of commercial real estate and other special purpose properties consider three approaches to value and conclude with a reconciliation of the approaches to estimate a final value.

Make the difficult look easy and make the routine look difficult for appraisers - by Bill Pastuszek

It is said of some athletes that they make the difficult look easy and make the routine look difficult. I’ve heard this said of goalies and shortstops at the very least.

Appraisal issues in a hot market - by Maria Hopkins

Maria Hopkins, SRA, RA, is president of Maria Hopkins Associates, Spencer, Mass. ...

History repeats itself when it comes to market cycles - by Jim Kasparian

Here we are again...1998!!! Values in the Greater Boston area are showing a continued increase with no rhyme or reason.

Appraising growing inventory of life science facilities - by Thomas Jensen

The increasing inventory of life science facilities in the Boston area presents another special use property category for the experienced appraisal profession. It is only natural for the life sciences industry to flourish with prestigious universities such as Harvard and MIT along with several large life science companies in the area.

What do appraisal clients want? Part 1

What do appraisal clients need in appraisals? Their needs are two-fold; service and quality. This month, I’ll explore client expectations about service. 

Demographic shifts and the impact on real estate values - by Marc Nadeau

Real Estate Value Changes as a result of a shifting landscape of population Seemingly, most of us have recovered from what I like to call...

Summer musings, possible misgivings: A few seasonal observations and questions - by Bill Pastuszek

Coming out of a nicely timed July 4th holiday, and one that was much needed according to my informal survey, we move right into the heat of the summer. A few seasonal observations and questions.