Appraisal & Consulting

Data and rests: Data and index nausea - by David Kirk

David Kirk, CRE, MAI, FRICS, is principal and founder of Kirk & Company, Real Estate Counselors, Boston. ...

Mixed use communities: Not without challenges - by Daniel Calano

Daniel Calano, CRE, is the managing partner and principal of Prospectus, LLC, Cambridge, Mass.  ...

Thinking about being an appraiser? Here’s what you need to know. - by Bill Pastuszek

Thinking about being an appraiser? Here’s what you need to know. This is a great profession. I am at my most serious when I sa...

Are our veterans being treated fairly in real estate transactions? - by Maria Hopkins

Maria Hopkins, Maria Hopkins Associates One of the old school myths is that the strongest buyer will be the one putting down the bigger dep...

Appraisal associations may be shooting themselves in the foot - by Roger Durkin

Roger Durkin, Durkin Law, P.C I am sure some appraisal associocrats at ASA, AI, MBREA, honestly believe their proposal is truly virtuous. T...

Richard Dennis: Legendary in the appraisal industry - by John Bowman

John Bowman, CrosswhiteProperty Advisors The letterhead of  Richard Dennis’ appraisal firm, Casey and Dennis, read “Our Third Century ...

Professionals have an obligation to hold to highest standards - by Steven Spangle

Steven Spangle, Spangle Associates A perceived shortage of appraisers has resulted in clients seeking to use alternative valuation methods ...

Development in a world with uncertainty: Requires luck - by Daniel Calano

Daniel Calano, Prospectus, LLC Everyone knows that the most important principle in successful real estate development and investment is “...

Appraisal professional: A career path for Millennials - by Karen Friel

Karen Friel, Friel Valuation Advisors, LLC Millennials have become the generation everyone loves to mock. Too often derided as trophy wield...

Predictability & sustainability – It’s anyone’s guess - by Brett Pelletier

Brett Pelletier, Kirk & Company I heard a political commentator on NPR last week describe the recent healthcare bill situation by sayin...