Appraisal & Consulting

President's message: Chapter education offerings

I hope you're all enjoying the summer. Personally this season has been a rather busy one, far busier than I would prefer. Not much beach or ...

A mathematical model should be in your valuation toolbox

We can all recite it by heart; 'The most probable price that would be paid between a willing buyer and seller in terms of cash, with neither...

Changing (S)paces is subtle but reflected in the real estate market

The title of this article, "Changing (S)paces" came to mind as a private equity fund and the business strategy of that fund was being debate...

All want top brand cities - but you go where the jobs are

Recently, I was talking with my son who graduates from business school next year about which cities and which jobs are most desired by MBA g...

MBREA offers 80th anniversary limited time special for joining

Would you like to pay MBREA member prices for your education? Then take advantage of our 80th anniversary offer of $80 off your first year's...

08-14-2014 - Summer and fall MBREA education schedule

Don't miss these continuing education opportunities near you Ludlow 2014-2015 USPAP Update August 14 Steven Spangle, MRA Residential Repor...

What ever happened to independent appraisers?

What ever happened to independent appraisers? At one time we were known as independent fee appraisers. Emphasis on independent! In 1993 fede...

President's message: Gotta love New Englanders

Mid-summer, enjoy it and don't blink. Yesterday I actually over-heard someone say "it's too hot". You've gotta love New Englanders and their...

Highest and best use in evolving neighborhoods

Gratifying results of growing consumer confidence and an improving economy are their powerful impact on the imagination of our confident rea...

New England CRE 2014 top issues affecting real estate

In July 2012, the Counselors of Real Estate initiated its first Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate report. Since then, the Counselors have ...