Appraisal & Consulting

The taper caper - Now we'll know the impact

People have been predicting for a long time, and many real estate professionals have worried, that lending rates would be on the increase. I...

After all that, are we better off? The nature of real estate and real estate appraising

Feast or Famine, it's the nature of real estate and real estate appraising. After years of a brutal housing market with low sales and refina...

Turning the page: A stable to moderate gain in 2014

Economic indicators for November are moderately upbeat, and anecdotal responses in the Beige Book for November from the Federal Reserve supp...

The appraisal profession as a whole as 2013 rolls into 2014

As the year draws to a close on my tenure as president of the MBREA, I would like to reflect on the past issues we have discussed and the st...

The challenges of land valuation for appraisers

In conversations about appraising, many people consider land to be the simplest property type to value. In my professional experience, land ...

Appraisal Institute launches first new designations in 20 years

The Appraisal Institute, the nation's largest professional association of real estate appraisers, has announced it will begin issuing two re...

Richard Dennis honored for Lifetime Achievement

The Appraisal Institute holiday dinner on December 4th honored Richard Dennis, Sr. for his lifetime achievement in the valuation industry. A...

Shanghai to your shelf: Logistics and supply chain industrial real estate

The New England Chapter of the Counselors of Real Estate recently held its final program of the 2013 calendar year - From Shanghai to Your S...

Expanding floodplain and rising tide, not floating all boats

It's been a little over one year since Hurricane Sandy came through the New York/New Jersey area, laying ruin with a force that was never im...

Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice changes 2014: What and why

Back in the day, changes to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) used to take place every year. This event creat...