
2019 Women Who Build: Lisa Yates, Antinozzi Associates

What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to find a job in my chosen city, since I had no real experience. Then I was afraid we’d screw something up when the workload was too heavy. Now I know more about how to plan for missteps, which are

2019 Women Who Build: Kate MacDougall, e2 Engineers

What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? My biggest fear when I started out as an engineer was not being taken seriously as a young woman in a male-dominated field. Additionally, I also mentally wrestled with “imposter syndrome” when I started out and feared that I would be discovered

2019 Women Who Build: Maureen Funke, greenbox-is

What was your first job and what did you learn from it? Ice cream shoppe. I went from scooping to managing over a 7-year period. Best part, the owner was a retired Army Colonel. I say to this day that I learned almost everything I’ve ever needed to know to prepare me for my careers in that shoppe. Things were a certain way, no exception, no excuses

2019 Women Who Build: Karin Patriquin, Patriquin Architects

What motivated you to step out on your own? I was inspired by work experiences in previous offices. The variety of work environments and locations was tremendous – from helping a solo architect to working in a 325-person firm, from designing in a rural environment to working with teams in Helsinki, Paris and New York. I found myself analyzing not only the type

2019 Women Who Build: Marie Maia, Montagno Construction, Inc.

Name: Marie Maia Position: Director of Business Development & Marketing Company: Montagno Construction, Inc. How many years hav...

2019 Women Who Build: Cathy DeFrances, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.

Which project, deal or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? New Haven had just embarked on an ambitious school construction program and the architectural firm where I was the director of administration and marketing designed the renovate/as new Truman Elementary School.

2019 Women Who Build: Nina Lapinski, Tecton Architects

What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? I probably experienced many of the same fears that most individuals face when starting their careers: Would I have the technical knowledge to contribute to the team? Would I get along with my coworkers? Would my boss listen to me? Would my input be valued and respected? Would clients and other

2019 Women Who Build: Karrie Kratz, Gilbane Building Co.

What was your first job and what did you learn from it? My first job in construction was as an accounting clerk. I learned 3 important keys to success in that position:

2019 Women Who Build: Kathy Nanowski, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.

What are you doing differently in 2019 that has had a positive impact on your career? This year my focus is going to be on creating various client appreciation programs. Whether it’s a feedback program or fun client events. We want our clients to feel like we have their back no matter what and have

2019 Women Who Build: Kristen Solloway, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.

What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? When I first started out finding a job was very hard because of the economy. Being a young female engineer entering a male-dominated field was a little overwhelming.