
2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Jennifer Usher, BL Companies

What is the best leadership advice you have ever received? Who was it from? When faced with an unwelcome change, a push out of your comfort zone, or a daunting challenge, take a step back and re-frame your view until you see an opportunity.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Laura Pirie, Pirie Associates

What motivated you to step out on your own? I stepped out on my own because I knew there was a better way to practice - to evolve how architects do what we do. Put very simply: WHY and HOW we make matters.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Becky Nichols, Pirie Associates

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? For me, the game changer was not a project – it was joining Pirie Associates.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Monica Perez del Rio, Pirie Associates

What would you tell your daughter about entering this profession? Architecture has enormously changed over the past decades. Not a long time ago, architecture was exclusively a male profession where the architect was very often seen as arrogant and unapproachable.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Melissa Kops, Pirie Associates

If your life were made into a movie, what actor would you want to portray you and why? Natalie Portman because she is incredibly talented, but also doesn’t take herself too seriously.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Michelle Lanney, Amenta Emma Architects

What are you planning to do differently in 2020 to have a positive impact on your career? I would like to improve my collaboration skills and become better at navigating the many different personalities that may be a part of a single discussion.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Andrea Olson, Amenta Emma Architects

What are you planning to do differently in 2020 to have a positive impact on your career? After a career change from accounting to design, I worked in environments focused primarily on space planning, programming and interior architecture.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Rachel Fish, Resource Options

What are you planning to do differently in 2020 to have a positive impact on your career? In our business of staffing the A/E/C industry I have learned a lot over the past few years about how to build lasting relationships. This is a key element to what we do

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Jean Carroon, Goody Clancy

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? It was exactly 10 years ago that John Wiley & Sons published my book “Sustainable Preservation; Greening Existing Buildings

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Jennifer Sweet, Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? One of the first projects I was engaged to serve as a licensed site professional (LSP) for was a large property with