
2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Courtney Hendricson, Advanced CT

What are you planning to do differently in 2020 to have a positive impact on your career? In a brand new role at Advanced CT, I am excited to broaden my network and meaningfully engage with our partners -- individuals and organizations that help lead to business

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Pamela Brown, Peoples United Insurance Agency

What would you tell your daughter about entering this profession? The advice I would give my daughter about entering this or any profession would be to work hard and to always make sure your sufficiently

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Cheryl Newton, Cheryl Newton Architects LLC

What motivated you to step out on your own? My dad. He worked in a job he hated to generously provide for our family and have the money to do the things he wanted to do when he wasn’t working. My dad told my brother and I to choose a career where I can be my own boss

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Jean Mix, Mix Education Services LLC

What motivated you to step out on your own? Mix Education Services LLC is a management training and coaching organization dedicated to providing customized training solutions. This woman owned consulting company is passionate

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Grace Steward, C.E. Floyd Company, Inc.

What would you tell your daughter about entering this profession? It’s not always easy, but you are just as qualified as anyone else in this field. Work hard, ask questions, be professional, and you will gain the respect of everyone you encounter.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Julia McFadden, Svigals + Partners

What are you planning to do differently in 2020 to have a positive impact on your career? My intention is two-fold: In my work realm I am creating a business plan to support a bolder approach in going after clients and work that is aspirational

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Marissa Dionne Mead, Svigals + Partners

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? Working as the project architect and lead designer for New Britain’s Beehive Bridge has been

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Omarys Vasquez, Svigals + Partners

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? Working on the new Ronald McDonald House in New Haven, CT has been pivotal in contributing to my

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Rhonda Thomas, STV|DPM

What are you planning to do differently in 2020 to have a positive impact on your career? I plan to pursue my PMP certification and to increase my networking and participation in more industry events and organizations.

2020 Women Who Build Spotlight: Emma Kellar, Dimeo Construction Company

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? The project I am currently wrapping up (Lowell Justice Center) has been the biggest game changer for me.