Owners Developers & Managers

State Permitting Board approves the Forge Park Priority Development Site in Franklin, Mass.

On July 8th the state's Interagency Permitting Board approved an application designating 30 parcels within the Town of Franklin as the Forge...

Spectrum Tech. provides security system at 225 Franklin St., Boston

Spectrum Integrated Technologies, the security and telecom division of J. & M. Brown Co. Inc., has completed the design and installation of ...

J.C. Cannistraro launched its multi-dimensional building information modeling services

J.C. Cannistraro, LLC is prepared to help lead the construction industry into the 21st century through advancements in Building Information ...

Patti Products, Inc. launches DumpsterDome product designed to reduce cost of construction debris disposal

At a time when cost-cutting in the construction industry is critical, Patti Products, Inc. presents a novel cost-cutting solution. The compa...

Environments at Work launches Integrated Interiors at Work - a new division led by Atwood

Environments at Work, one of New England's premier Haworth office furniture dealer, has launched a new division, Integrated Interiors at Wor...

McNamara/Salvia launches its new website: www.mcsal.com

McNamara/Salvia, a consulting structural engineering firm launched their new website. While boasting increased content and a new look at www...

Getting the most from your asphalt investment with a progressive pavement maintenance plan

A progressive pavement maintenance plan will greatly extend the longevity of parking surfaces, while improving the overall appearance of a c...

Asmar joins UGL Unicco as VP of operations and facility maintenance

According to UGL Unicco, a subsidiary of United Group Limited (UGL), Paul Asmar joined the company as vice president operations and faciliti...

Property owners /managers who have space under a sidewalk should cast a critical eye on these areas

Property owners or managers who have occupied space under a pedestrian sidewalk would do well to cast a critical eye on these areas. These r...

RF Walsh Project Mgmt. changes name to RF Walsh Collaborative Ptrs.

One of the leading project management firms RF Walsh Collaborative Partners hosted an Open House to celebrate its new name and expansion. RF...