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Creative partnerships are driving Brockton's future in an exciting and positive direction - by Michael Gallerani

Michael Gallerani, Brockton 21st Century Corp. Brockton is not unlike almost every city and town in 2017. The fiscal challenges facing mayo...

As spring arrives we are hopeful for continued smooth sailing for commercial real estate - by Bill Norton

Bill Norton, Norton Asset Management Where to begin? The Dow over 21,000... Interest rates still hovering at historic lows. Donald Trump ha...

Spring brings new growth, and in Providence shovels for new construction are breaking ground - by Tom Sweeney

Thomas Sweeney, Sweeney Real Estate Spring brings new growth, the ground begins to thaw and in Providence shovels for new construction are ...

What direction is the insurance market taking and will changes in tax laws impact my holdings? - by Spencer Macalaster

Spencer Macalaster, Risk Strategies Co. As we enter the second quarter of 2017, our clients are asking what direction the insurance marketp...

It is important for the appraiser to have some basic knowledge of maintenance equipment - by Jeff Dugas

Jeffrey Dugas, Wellspeak Dugas & Kane, LLC In order to run a golf course, the operator must utilize personal property in conjunction wi...

Upcoming rate movements could push borrowers towards longer term financing - by Michael Chase

Many people who work and participate in the commercial and multifamily mortgage industry are all too familiar with the term “Wall of Matur...

Governor Raimondo's tax credits, incentives and grants are attracting new companies to Rhode Island - by Peter Hayes

The city of Providence has had no new ground-up office development over the last year. The vacancy rate, as reported in our Cushman & Wa...

The State of the Ocean State, or at least the Rhode Island industrial market - by Mike Giuttari

Mike Giuttari, MG Commercial Real Estate As we enter the spring of 2017, if nothing else, Rhode Island continues to prove that the industri...

Maintaining this billion dollar industry presents “growing” opportunities - by Glenn Gould

Glenn Gould, J.C. Cannistraro You may have more in common with the medical marijuana industry than you thought! Much like your facility, th...

Growing green: From cannabis to lettuce - by James Miner

James Miner, Sasaki There has been a lot of discussion recently about the impact the cannabis industry is having on real estate throughout ...