
Outgoing president’s message: New England Land Title Association’s 50th anniversary year - by Barbara Smith

I appreciated serving as the President of the New England Land Title Association during its 50th anniversary year. Of course, due to the situation, we were unable to conduct our usual networking and educational activities, but like everyone else, we worked through it with Zoom meetings and conference calls.

Why you should trust that feeling in your gut when sending a wire transfer - by Jason Doshi

You’ve worked hard, saved up your 20% down payment, and found the perfect place. You’re finally ready to buy a house. Except, you ar2e about to embark on a journey of numerous, tedious transactions: writing personal checks, sending a wire transfer

US land records: Losing common sense in the digital age - by Denald Ellen Doonan

If the recent COVID-19-19 pandemic has proven one thing to the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA), a non profit trade association for those responsible for managing and preserving land records, it should be, that the use of advanced technology

Successfully cultivating an inclusive workplace culture for future talent in the title industry - by Damon Carter

By the year 2025, Millennials and Generation Z will make up almost 75% of the workforce. All companies, including various title companies, must take into consideration the emerging interests and expectations of this growing workforce population with respect to diversity

Acknowledgments and jurats for title to real property - by Lyons and Young

The preparation of documents to be recorded or filed in registered land or the review of a title examination must always confirm that the correct form of acknowledgments and jurats are used on every document.

NELTA is your premier resource for education, information and networking in 2021 - by Cathy Jones

New England Land Title Association (NELTA) is one of the title industry’s premier resources for education, information and networking. Organized in 1970, NELTA is currently comprised of nearly 400 members from each of the six New England states.

Spend some time up front and save some time later - by John Blake

Whenever I am presented with a letter of intent (LOI) to review on behalf of a client, on either the buyer or the seller side, my initial observation is the parties’ momentum.

2021 revised minimum standard detail requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys - by Shannon Slaughter

The minimum standard detail requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys was revised in 2021, effective February 23, 2021. Among the numerous revisions made to specific sections of the minimum standard detail requirements, the joint ALTA/NSPS Committee

Attract new business with 6 digital marketing tips for your business - by Mitch Sullivan

I see it all the time – a business that is great at what they do, but isn’t able to effectively communicate that to prospects. Or, even worse, they think they already are communicating effectively.

Bumper to bumper...get used to it - by Dennis Serpone

Where is everyone going at 3:00 p.m. on Rte. 128 and Interstate 495? In the old days, “rush hour”, people rushing to and from their jobs, was more like 5:30-8:00 a.m. and 4:00-7:00 p.m. Today the morning rush