
2021 Year in Review: Christopher Grallert, President, Green City Growers

How has your working environment changed over the last year? The current team at Green City Growers is a fully committed and passionate team. There is no room for ambivalence around what we do.

2021 Year in Review: Maria Hopkins, Real Estate Appraiser, Maria Hopkins Associates

How has your working environment changed over the last year? The first thing that happened when the pandemic hit was to send all but one employee home to work remotely. We are all so fortunate that technology is where it is to allow us to function like that.

2021 Year in Review: Stanley Hurwitz, Public Relations & Marketing Consultant, Stanley Hurwitz / Creative Communications

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? People have learned they can be a lot more productive working from their home office with fewer interruptions (if it’s quiet at home) – and saving time and anxiety from a hectic commute reduces overall stress.

2021 Year in Review: David O’Sullivan, President, O’Sullivan Architects, Inc.

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? The pandemic taught me about the value of good employees. The ability to adapt to change and the knowledge to work independently helped us serve our client’s needs.

2021 Year in Review: Tim Puopolo, Executive Vice President, CM&B, Inc.

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022? Renovations to and repurposing of existing space will lead the way in 2022, taking advantage of vacancies and avoiding long lead times caused by supply chain issues.

New England Real Estate
Journal's 2021 Year in Review

Check out this year's New England Real Estate Journal's Year in Review in which we review the top news stories from 2...

The morphing of real estate occupancies and its impact on risk management - by Spencer Macalaster

Having sat on the board of directors for the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District, we are intimately aware of the social, financial and employee impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on Boston’s commercial real estate district. Foot traffic has dropped to unprecedented

Seven trends in this period of time that feels like limbo - by David Skinner

I caught up with a good friend of mine in the industrial brokerage community who has built an extremely effective practice of selling “rough” industrial buildings, and we enjoyed talking about the trends and “off the record” conversations with buyers

Year-end reminders for commercial real estate - by Michael Chase

Happy new year! It may only be the end of October, but for commercial mortgage practitioners with loan closings that can take between forty-five to sixty days, it might as well already be year-end.  With a few rare exceptions, most new loan requests are likely

Pent-up demand and loosening restrictions signal boom in real estate auction market - by Marianne Sullivan

Similar to most businesses, the real estate auction market was sent into disarray with the onset of pandemic restrictions on public gatherings, the closure of many municipal offices and the implementation of property foreclosure moratoriums across most states.