
The good times continue to roll with no bubble in the near future for hotel investments

The good times continue to roll and there doesn't seem to be a bubble anywhere in the near future for hotel investments. 2015 looks like it ...

Continuity and healthy persistence for 2015: Job gains and economic growth exceeding 2014

The outlook for commercial real estate in 2015 is brighter than 2014 which by most measures was a very good year for commercial real estate....

Discovering Branford: A strategic location, a talented workforce and a low cost of doing business

Companies continue to discover that Branford offers what most businesses seek: a strategic location, a talented workforce and a low cost of ...

Why use a commercial mortgage broker? To help maximize your loan dollars

With the range of lending sources available today to the real estate developer and owner, the question is always asked, why use the services...

Settling into the New Year and reflecting on 2014: A year that showed continued improvement

As we settle into the New Year and reflect on 2014 we see a year that showed continued improvement with the economy. Here in Boston it almos...

CBRE's 2015 Boston Market Forecast: Office, lab, suburban office and multi-family markets

Each year at the beginning of January of that year, CBRE-New England presents its Boston Market Forecast. This year the forecast was present...

2015 brings another year of tax uncertainty for real estate owners

2014 was a year of uncertainty in the tax area for the real estate industry. Many real estate companies operated in an environment of tax am...

Tax abatements for problematic properties: Time requirements and common grounds for entitlement

In my experience in representing taxpayers, the valuation that boards of assessors place on certain categories of real estate is often too h...

Will 1031 Exchanges survive the new Congress? Elimination could be part of tax reform proposal

Section 1031 of the tax code allows real estate investors to sell a property, defer the tax, and reinvest the proceeds into replacement real...

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2014? - Rich O'Connell of RJ O'Connell & Assoc.

As professional service providers, we believe all our clients' projects are notable and unique. We were pleased to be able to give back to m...