
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Bobby Quinn of Charlesgate Multifamily

I think that commercial real estate will continue its momentum in 2015 with an increased focused on development in the Seaport. I believe th...

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Dennis Serpone of New England Restaurant Brokers

The handwriting is on the wall. Subject to a global or national catastrophe, the euphoria that exists in the marketplace, driven by the cred...

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Monica Lawton of the Associated Subcontractors of Mass.

The development and construction boom will continue in and around Boston, with increased activity in other regions as well....

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - John Connor of Vantage Builders

We anticipate another busy year, probably even busier than 2014. If you look out the windows of our Waltham office you would literally see c...

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Kevin Boyle of Citizens Commercial Banking

We expect another year of good activity with a number of new office, hotel, retail and residential projects planned for the Back Bay, Financ...

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Saul Feldman of Feldman & Feldman

The commercial real estate market will continue to be strong with many new developments in Boston and Greater Boston including the conversio...

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Rich O'Connell of RJ O'Connell & Assoc.

Based on the increased activity we are seeing in the land planning sector, we believe the brick and mortar side of commercial and residentia...

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - David Kirk of Kirk & Co.

The outlook for commercial real estate in 2015 is brighter than 2014 which by most measures was a very good year for commercial real estate....

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Carlton Cooper of Eldorado Stone

I see the overall commercial real estate and construction market doing very well. Throughout the last few months I have spoken with many peo...

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2015? - Andrew Deluski of BankRI

In 2015, the commercial real estate market will remain positive due to a number of reasons. Limited supply, a stable and improving economy a...