
Check out NEREJ's 2023 Ones to Watch
Industry Leaders Spotlight!

Check out NEREJ's 2023 Ones to Watch Industry Leaders Spotlight ...

Participate in the NEREJ's Year in Review Spotlight!

It's that time of year when NEREJ will recap our cover stories from 2023 and invite Industry Leaders, Editorial Contributors, and Advertisers to share their notable accomplishments, projects, and transactions from 2023 and key insights on emerging trends that will impact their industry in 2024.

2023 Ones to Watch - Industry Leaders: Shad Brook of The Procopio Companies

What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of where I am today, as I have been able to recognize my values as an individual personally and professionally. Procopio has helped me to reaffirm my values, as I am surrounded by team members with the same goals and vision, in an environment where our shared values drive the business. This culture has allowed me to thrive.

As we look ahead, we anticipate a continued competitive sale market amongst end users - by George Paskalis, Mike Giuttari and Julie Freshman

As 2023 marches to its end, the Rhode Island industrial market supply remains historically tight overall, but particularly on the sale side. While there is some loosening of industrial space available for lease, there are only a handful of quality options in each region of the state. While demand has waned on the leasing side compared to 2022,

The food and beverage industry is one of the only careers where you don't have to go to college - by Dennis Serpone

For 43 years I’ve watched the transitions of the seasons spring to summer, to fall to winter, back to spring. Looking back, certain things become evident. Being a chronic entrepreneur, I can honestly say that for most people the food and beverage industry can be the easiest, most rewarding road to success…both financially

Reading the tea leaves - What’s doing now, what may be ahead... - by Bill Pastuszek

It’s been an eventful year …some good, some bad, events, and a lot that are hard to figure. Here is assembled information to aid in understanding commercial real estate markets in the context of the broader economy. The yield on the 10-year Treasury

There is a housing crisis in Mass. and there is movement on finding solutions as well - by David O'Sullivan

Another season is in full swing. Autumn is a time where we feel the crisp refreshing air and vibrant colors of the trees turning. But fall is also a time of increasing darkness and cold chills. So it is with the housing industry this fall. There is a housing crisis in

Sullivan continues to win accolades for real estate auction services

Sandwich, MA When Marianne Sullivan decided to launch her own real estate auction firm in 2007, she knew she would have to keep things fresh in order to compete with the established players in an already competitive market. Sixteen years later, her firm continues to win fans with their highly personal approach and commitment to constant innovation. The proof

Beyond traditional financing: How equity loans fill the gap in non-traditional real estate financing - by Jeff Jeff Munoz

Not all good real estate investments, building projects, and commercial real estate (CRE) developments qualify for traditional financing. Certainly, not in their initial stages. Many banks and government lending programs specifically exclude unimproved (land with no buildings),

Consolidation in hotel ownership should allow owners to be better prepared for a slowdown - by Earle Wason

I reluctantly agreed to do this end of the year preview in that the uncertainty barometer is near the top of the scale. Looking back at the years 2021, 2022, and 2023 to date, again my firm, Wason Associates, had three of our best years in hotel brokerage transactions and dollar volume.