
Appraisal Institute's Candidate for Designation Program

The Appraisal Institute's Candidate for Designation Program will begin on January 1st, 2013. This program modifies the AI membership classif...

Seize the day? Time to take back some of the lost ground

When I teach, I often get the opportunity to hear from practicing appraisers and how they are thinking. Don't worry, I am not about to tell ...

Appraisal Institute helps appraisers analyze real estate market trends

The Appraisal Institute, the nation's largest professional association of real estate appraisers, published guidance June 4th to help apprai...

Things appraisers should know about the UAD update

Nine months of UAD submissions - 4 million thru Fannie Mae since December 1, 2011 - and it has gone "pretty well" according to Jonathan Prin...

10-15-2012 - 2012 New England Appraisers Expo schedule of events

The Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and the Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Appraisers presents the 2012 New England App...

Opportunities in the mortgage market

Last month I wrote about the risks of leveraged equity real estate in light of eventual interest rate increases and the need for alternative...

Can commercial real estate stand continued lower rates?

It seems counter-intuitive in real estate to wish for higher interest rates. But, when it comes to artificially low rates, do we want to ris...

Bad news and good news for fee appraisers

The past four years or so have not been banner years for fee appraisers. Starting in January 2008, education requirements to become general...

The effects of weather on local industries in Northern New England

Up here in Northern New England the leaves are turning. The "leaf-peepers" are back, en masse, after a 2011 foliage season lost to the damag...

Values & trends vary increasing need for experienced appraisers

Greetings from Connecticut and The Connecticut Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. Increasingly the news is better for our state, as activit...