
The two halves of 2012: Buyer's perspectives on product types and Q3-Q4 2012 prospects

My being part of CBRE provides an opportunity to gain unique market knowledge not typically available. I attend brokerage meetings and learn...

Investors are finding Reverse Exchanges are a useful strategy to defer capital gains tax

Reverse Exchanges are a powerful tool for investors attempting to defer payment of capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes. Allowing ...

The Tale of Two Cities: Sales are up, profits are down, new restaurants are opening, costs are up

In a Tale of Two Cities, the famous line, "these are the best of times, these are the worst of times", appears to be the basis of everything...

Start your Emergency Planning now, before disaster strikes your business or property

According to "At least one in four businesses never reopens after a disaster". If you own or manage commercial property or a busin...

Positive news in the Rhode Island market brings hope to the community, but challenges still remain

As we move into the second quarter of 2012, the question on everyone's mind seems to be, "are we finally there?" Has the market finally reac...

Rhode Island industrial market: Slow but steady pace through the rest of the first half of 2012

The Rhode Island industrial market, while sluggish at the outset of 2012, has realized an up tic in demand in the second half of the first q...

Rhode Island office market stabilizing: Has experienced an increase over last twelve months

The Rhode Island office market has experienced an increase in activity over the last twelve months and as a result, vacancy rates are beginn...

Rhode Island's retail market continues to move forward with a slow recovery

Rhode Island's retail market continues to move forward with a slow recovery from the country's financial low point at the beginning of 2008....

CRE investors are back to basics with 4 pillars of success: Marketing, cash flow, location and leverage

Somewhere along the path of spirited optimism and cautious enthusiasm, commercial real estate investors are seeking opportunities that will ...

Loans to condo associations are a major change in condo association practice over the last 40 years

Loans to condominium associations are a major change in condominium association practice over the past forty (40) years. When I first began ...