
Low tax rates and market rebound make this the most opportune time to sell since last market peak

With the possible expiration of the current Capital Gains tax rate and the additional tax included in the health care reform legislation own...

The signs of recovery are around us and if we are smart and diligent in our efforts we can benefit

We have all been through a lot of hard times and a slow tough economy over the last few years. Many have had to reinvent themselves or redir...

Well located hotels with strong brand affiliation are proving well-timed investments for buyers

U.S. lodging investment fundamentals are solid, with most in agreement that the hotel sector is far down the path of recovery, fueled by con...

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts decisions changing landscape of commercial leasing

A keystone of commercial leasing is certainty, especially in the ability to contractually allocate risks, obligations and costs. Since 2002,...

Auctions, auctions everywhere...And its time to drink up the opportunities

You can hardly pick up a newspaper or even listen to a campaign speech these days without hearing the words "foreclosure" or "auction". Las...

Split rates: taxing residential and commercial properties at different rates in relation to market value

The new commercial and industrial valuations released by Worcester's assessing department have caused a stir. The media and local residents ...

Why use a commercial mortgage broker? To help maximize your loan dollars

With the range of lending sources available today to the real estate developer and owner, the question is always asked, why use the services...

After Hurricane Katrina: Metaphor for our country's slow real estate recovery

Recently I had the opportunity to tag along with my wife on one of her organization's trips to review a city's planning and landscape. This ...

The benefits for a developer obtaining OneSource construction and permanent financing

In arranging financing for construction or renovation projects, a developer is sometimes able to obtain a commitment for both construction a...

The Massachusetts Condominium Conversion Statute, Chapter 527 of the Acts of 1983

In this article I want to cover three (3) topics. First, I will describe the Massachusetts Condominium Conversion Statute, Chapter 527 of th...