
Trends in high-rise building security: Electronic turnstiles & web-based integrated entry systems

Increased security levels in the post-9/11 world have mandated that high-rise and large structure building owners and managers address evalu...

Loan servicers and lenders are under increasing pressure to modify loans that are in danger

With increasing demand from borrowers and the public and the implementation of the Obama Administration's Home Affordable Modification Progr...

Investors should keep an eye out for properties they can purchase below last year's high prices

Vermont appears to be nearing the bottom of this recession and on its way back to recovery, but the effects will continue to be felt for qui...

National Association of Realtors lists Boston apartment vacancy rate as one of the lowest in country

As the economy continues to mend itself in 2010, so the commercial real estate market will follow. Although, most economists agree that the ...

Price is the number one reason properties do not sell whether we are in a boom or bust market

Over the last several months we have begun to see an upward trend in pricing on quality garden style buildings built after 1960. Recent sale...

New Hampshire's recovery is seeded in good old fashioned Yankee ingenuity

The New Hampshire "Advantage" is slightly tarnished as we proceed into 2010. Unemployment has doubled in the last 36 month period and the no...

It seems fashionable to be negative in today's market but there is a glimmer of positive news

As we start 2010, the Boston suburban office market of 84.6 million s/f has escalated to a combined availability rate of 23.1%. As the econo...

How do you determine an independent restaurant's appropriate market value?

To begin with, we have to determine what type of food operation we are considering. Generally speaking, the three main categories of food an...

Rhode Island 2010 stabilization ahead as it becomes affordable again and presents opportunities

As we look forward to 2010, it's helpful to look back a little. As bad as 2009 felt in the real estate market, there was still activity. Sal...

New opportunities for business development, living and working in Southeastern Mass. in 2010

The 2010 economic outlook for the companies wishing to expand or relocate to the Commonwealth's lowest cost region with ample human resource...