
Come join us at the 19th annual New England Appraisers Expo - Oct. 26

The Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and the Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Appraisers are holding the 19th annual New E...

Appraisal Institute continues to serve/educate its members

The Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute continues to provide its members with exceptional educational offerings. Most recently ...

The stimulus package works, but is it sustainable?

It's no secret that there has been plenty of stimulus pumped into our economy to ensure that we come out of this recession sooner rather tha...

The value of a professional residential real estate designation

For the past two years, residential real estate appraisers have been taking a beating in the United States. With residential markets around ...

Just what is the market and why is it behaving so oddly?

These days, the word "market" is bandied about with the assumption that everyone knows what the word means. I must admit that I myself am gu...

R.I. General Assembly passes R.I. Independence Bill

This past legislative session the R.I. General Assembly acted to prevent mortgage lenders from placing undue pressure on real estate apprais...

MAI Calendar

November 4 - 7 General Appraiser Site Valuation and Cost Approach - Woburn November 12 Introduction to Conservation Easement Valuation - Na...

The recovery from recession - The tale of two markets - The apartment market

Markets recover differently depending on product type. This is one of two companion articles which describe the apartment and office markets...

It's all in what you say when you write an appraisal report

I had a great idea for an article and decided I would write my opening statement and my final statement and leave the rest of the article bl...

The professional appraiser will survive this RE market

Many people involved in the real estate professions are having difficulty these days. We're spending lots of time trying to promote ourselve...