Stephen Farrar General Manager The Masiello Group

December 31, 2008 - Northern New England

Stephen Farrar

Name: Stephen (Steve) Farrar
Title: General Manager
Company: The Masiello Group/Commercial Associates
Location: 1465 Post Rd., U.S. Rte.1 Wells, ME, 04090
Year & Place of Birth: 1/08/1942 - Portland, ME
Family: (7) Children (Candace, Cindy, Christine, Katie, Meghan, Steve Jr. & Edwin); (12) Grandchildren
College: University of NH (Mechanical Engineering) University of So. Maine ( Business Administration & Systems Analysis) CCIM
First job outside of real estate: Industrial Engineer - Gulf & Western
First job in real estate or allied field: Owned C-21 Randall Agency, Windham, ME
What do you do now & what am I planning for the future? Presently I am general manager of the Wells office of Better Homes & Gardens and The Masiello Group/Commercial Associates. Future: Continue doing what I am doing as long as my health permits.
Hobbies: Following Sports (Celtics, Red Sox & Patriots), gardening, reading, participating in & watching my grandchildren's live their lives.
Favorite Book: Silent Victory
Favorite Movie: Dances with Wolves
Person You Most Admire (outside of family): John F. Kennedy
Key to success: Repetitive hard work


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