Appraisal & Consulting

"All you guys do is slow up the process and cost me money..."

"All you guys do is slow up the process and cost me money..." Ladies and gentlemen these words were spoken to me over 27 years ago and someh...

"Economic, Capital Markets and Investment Outlook"

The Appraisal Institutes Massachusetts Chapter held a joint meeting with Commercial Brokers Association (CBA) at the Federal Reserve Buildin...

Some of the things that make this work we do more of a job and less of an adventure

I am an appraiser, for better or for worse. I've been doing this so long, I am utterly, totally, hopelessly unqualified to do much else. I ...

President's message: Attending the 2011 AI regional meeting

On August 22nd, I, along with regional representatives Barrie Gaman, MAI, Zach Bowyer, Karen Hanlon, MAI, and Ken Dicks, MAI, attend the 201...

Help! Help! I'm the messenger and I've been shot!

A postcard arrived in the mail a few weeks ago advising me that Amidon Appraisal Company had been reviewed on Angie's List. For the uninitia...

Here we go again - Back to basics on budgeting

It was October, 2008 and the stock market had just crashed over 700 points. The month was a disaster and the capitalist system was on the br...

The commonly held belief - It can move markets, true or not

I am writing this article on the backside of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene, which was supposed to be the largest storm of the century, exce...

Closing gaps and spreads in the commercial real estate market

The Federal Reserve Bank decision to maintain low interest environment through 2013 in response to weakening conditions in the global and do...

A layman's guide to Uniform Appraisal Dataset

On September 1st (January 1st, 2012 for FHA loans), there will be significant changes in the way in which appraisers complete appraisal repo...

What valuation options are available for clients?

The continued instability in today's housing market makes converting a potential mortgage lead to an actual borrower extremely challenging. ...