Appraisal & Consulting

David Kirk - Pattern of price points & specific price points for specific products

The real estate market always has a pattern of price points and specific price points for specific products. Pricing is a marketing strategy...

Mike Tarello - "Loss Prevention" presented by Christensen of LAI

The Appraisal Institute's Massachusetts Chapter held its spring meeting at the Crown Plaza in Natick, MA on April 12th. The program's topic ...

William Pastuszek - The "new" appraisal era - Is it here or is it already gone?

I was talking with a colleague, a residential appraiser, not too long ago. He was talking about the state of the residential appraiser, how ...

New continuing education requirement: All members are required to attend the Appraisal Curriculum Overview course

Members of the Appraisal Institute need to be aware of a new continuing education requirement. All members are required to attend the Apprai...

New England CRE chapter teams up with Boston RICS chapter

The New England/Upstate NY CRE Chapter held its first joint program with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Boston Chapter (RICS) on...

Real estate advice for a boom and bust economy

Recently, I was in discussion with a group of colleagues regarding the boom and bust cycles of real estate, about which I've written in the ...

Interagency guidelines - How do they affect appraisal practice?

New appraisal and evaluation guidelines were issued by the Fed, OCC, FDIC, OTS, and the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) in Decem...

Foreign investors have returned to the U.S.

The foreign investors have returned to the U.S. and are looking in Boston once again and the ranks are increasing in geographic diversity. T...

USPAP revisions to rules and standards and the appraiser

Appraisers have been dealing with USPAP for over twenty years after FFIREA was instituted by Congress. In that time there have been countles...

Review of new evaluation guidelines & selecting AVM

Part one appeared in the March 11th edition of the New England Real Estate Journal. I've outlined some general guidelines for software selec...