Appraisal & Consulting

Daniel Calano - Credit problems in Greece: An all too familiar story

There has been a lot of news lately from the country of Greece, with its $340 billion dollars worth of debt, representing 160% of gross dome...

Mike Tarello - Issues involving renewal of Mass. appraisal license

I wanted to take this opportunity to address a major issue that is affecting many appraisers in regards to their renewal process for their M...

John Petersen - Some pondering about the appraisal field

As the dog days of summer approach and we start focusing on our vacations more than the work at hand, I thought it might be appropriate to o...

William Pastuszek - Lazy appraiser syndrome rarely more apparent in practice than the matter of adjustments

A constant theme amongst appraisers. How should I adjust for this difference between my property and a comparable? Following on from this qu...

David Kirk - The summer months have distinguished seasonal waves

The summer months have seasonal waves in employment and housing that distinguish summer activity from the other seasons; especially in areas...

Maria Hopkins - Designation vs. licensing - Appraisers speak out

Years ago, licensing became required for real estate appraisers doing appraisals for any federally related transactions. While there are a f...

Stephen Sousa - Admiring appraiser adaptability to change

Change is one constant appraisers can count on. Whether it is changes in market conditions, appraisal reporting guidelines or USPAP, we know...

Don Griffin - Commercial real estate and/or the family home in a divorce

As the New England economy improves the number of couples moving forward to dissolve a marriage is increasing. In some instances a couple's ...

Rob Nahigian - Are we headed for inflation or deflation?

As we focus on the second quarter of 2011, we are faced each day with investment decisions based on projections. Where is the economy headed...

Daniel Calano - Housing redux: The end is not in sight

One month residential sales volume are up, but prices are down. The next month prices are up, but volume is down. The next week, both volume...