Appraisal & Consulting

Time to find a role for appraisal trainees

It's no surprise that there are fewer appraisers today than a year ago. According to numbers compiled by the MBREA there were 2,639 certifie...

Market outlook and real estate trends for 2011

The Appraisal Institutes Massachusetts Chapter held its first meeting of the year at the Federal Reserve Building in Boston, on January 25th...

Preliminary approval given for a scholarship program

At the January 19th, board of directors meeting of the Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, preliminary approval was given for t...

New CRE chapter board members and 2011 events

The New England/Upstate NY CRE Chapter had a very active 2010 and in January, the chapter board met on January 24th to plan the 2011 year. I...

The specter of inflation: Good or bad for real estate?

The other day, a friend asked whether I was looking forward to inflation, as it would certainly improve real estate values for owners. An od...

Price per what....? Why do banks accept reports with inaccurate adjustments?

As an assessor in two South Shore communities I have the opportunity to see quite a few residential appraisal reports. Most are submitted wi...

The replacement factor impact individual properties

The real estate counselor should consider the replacement factor in recovery and expansion phases of the economic and real estate cycles. Re...

Thoughts on training to be an appraiser

I have been training in the field of real estate appraisal for about four months now, and every day I learn not just one, but many new thing...

Steve Dunn 2011

Name: Steve Dunn, R.A., MAA Title: President, Mass. Board of Real Estate Appraisers Company: Assessor/appraiser for Plympton, West Bridgewat...

Robert J. Nahigian 2011

Name: Robert J. Nahigian Title: President, New England & Upstate New York Chapter CRE Company: Auburndale Realty Location: 335 Auburn St., N...