Appraisal & Consulting

It's just land but also a challenging appraisal

I have long contended that the appraisal of land is the single most challenging appraisal assignment, not to mention often being the least p...

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Protection Act

On the national front the Appraisal Institute applauds the passing of a sweeping financial regulatory reform bill that includes the first mo...

CRE hold national convention in Seattle - Part 1

The New England/Upstate NY CRE Chapter members attended the CRE National Meetings in Seattle from May 23rd-26th. The first speaker of the co...

Residential recovery? Could be longer than anticipated

Just as we thought things might be improving in the residential markets, there seem to be a few speed bumps in this twisty road. The first ...

Metrics for feasibility and investment in today's market

In spite of volatility in the stock market, the gradual improvement in fundamentals in local property markets is creating some positive anxi...

Halfway through the year and we're going strong

We are now halfway though 2010. Has it turned out the way you thought it would? I have seen my volume of work go up and down with the market...

Appraisal theory and the principal of change

Appraisal theory is a branch of general economic theory that seeks to explain and understand property value; what causes value, how value ch...

Liquidation versus market value when appraising

You have been asked to appraise a property and the scope of the assignment includes an estimate of liquidation value. Now what? The most str...

The challenges of conservation easement appraising

As crude oil gushes up from the sea floor into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in an environmental disaster of biblical proportions, media ...

O'Mara speaks at CRE and Corenet event on May 18th

Part one appeared in the June 11th edition of the New England Real Estate Journal in the Appraisal and Consulting section. Additional influe...