Appraisal & Consulting

MyMBREA is an important resource for appraisers

Is it just me? It seems like every appraisal I've done over the past month has had something wacky about it. Are the only people refinancing...

The glass is half full: Mass. is on the right track

Statistics abound about what a lousy economy we are in. There's lots of bad news about real estate. You can read it in local and national ne...

Appraiser Institute's fall schedule and news

There seems to be a greater than usual unwillingness to let it go because it was a great summer, but it's over. The fall season is fast appr...

H.R. 4173 - A step in the right direction

The time period of 2005 through 2007 are embedded in my mind as the giddy years of the financial industry - a time when many participants we...

CRE hold national convention in Seattle - Part 2

But certain specific jobs will never come back. So there will be a mismatch of new jobs and old jobs lost. The length of the work week is ex...

Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill - How it has implications for appraisers

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protect Act is now law. This wide ranging legislation, spawned out of the fires of the Great ...

Sustainability in commercial real estate

Cash and credit in the short term have secured a high priority in collateral analysis for real estate lending. However, sustainability has b...

New England Appraisers Expo will be held October 18th at Sheraton Four Points Hotel, Norwood, Mass.

The New England Appraisers Expo will be held October 18th. The expo wil be returning to the Sheraton Four Points Hotel, Norwood, Mass. where...

The appraisal faucet has been turned back on

After a long drought, we are officially back into what appraisers call a "Refi Boom." Once again rates are at an all time low. Those who hav...

MBREA president's message: Legislation and classes

I hope you are all enjoying the nice weather we are having this summer. Let's hope the interest rates stay low into the fall so we can salva...