Appraisal & Consulting

Half empty is half full when is comes to Boston's market

In Boston, where a reported billion dollar transaction for the Hancock Building is pending, underwriting vacancy in commercial real estate h...

The places you will go when you join the Appraisal Institute

A popular book by Dr. Seuss is titled Oh. The Places You'll Go. It got me to thinking about the places I have been and properties I have app...

What are appraisers to do? Catch up on education!

During the days of the last real estate debacle, appraisers were busier than one armed paper hangers. Lending institutions established appra...

"How does a counselor learn to be a counselor?" Part 1

The New England/Upstate NY CRE Chapter held its first fall event on Sept. 21st at The Algonquin Club in Boston. This luncheon event was enti...

Are bubbles inevitable? They may be the new norm - Part 1

Part I: There is a growing school of thought that bubbles - real estate, stock or otherwise - are inevitable; i.e. that they are now part of...

Appraisals are just an opinion? This opinion will come back and haunt you

Many residential appraisers are in full crying mode about nearly everything. No reason to be overly sympathetic. While the current crisis ha...

Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers hold joint meeting

On Tuesday, September 21st, the Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and the Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers hel...

Over stimulated? Beware the "dead cat" bounce

A "dead cat" bounce is a Wall St. term that refers to a brief, usually unfounded, recovery in the stock market. The term derived from the id...

Darkest at Dawn... Those with experience and staying power will emerge out of the ashes

Appraisals are at the core of most financing related transactions. Much is said about the accuracy of appraisals, the pressure brought to b...

A consistent issue is the use of private verses MLS sales

A consistent issue is the use of private verses MLS sales. There are those that advocate only using MLS sales and others who feel that some ...