
2020 Year in Review: Michele Fitzpatrick, Northern 1031 Exchange

Michele Fitzpatrick Vice President 1031 Exchange Northern 1031 Exchange What was the most difficult part of working during the ...

2020 Year in Review: Roberto Arista, Dakota Partners, Inc.

Roberto Arista Principal Dakota Partners, Inc. What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2021? I think that our p...

2020 Year in Review: Thomas Jensen, Boston Appraisal & Consulting, LLC

Thomas Jensen Principal/Executive Director Boston Appraisal & Consulting, LLC What was the most difficult part of working d...

2020 Year in Review: Dennis Serpone, National Restaurant Exchange

Dennis Serpone President National Restaurant Exchange What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? I’ve learn...

2020 Year in Review: Jim Lord, Helbling & Associates, Inc.

Jim Lord Executive Director Helbling & Associates, Inc. What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? During the...

2020 Year in Review: Arnold Peck, Arnold Peck’s Commercial World, Property World

Arnold Peck Broker/Owner Arnold Peck’s Commercial World, Property World What was your greatest professional accomplishmen...

2020 Year in Review: Melissa Fish-Crane, Peabody Companies

Melissa Fish-Crane Principal & COO Peabody Companies  What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? ...

2020 Year in Review: TJ DiFeo, Bergmeyer

TJ DiFeo Senior Associate Bergmeyer What was the most difficult part of working during the pandemic of 2020? The most difficult...

2020 Year in Review: Scott Bates, Erland Construction, Inc.

Scott Bates Vice President, Strategy & Development Erland Construction, Inc. What aspects of working from home have you enj...

2020 Year in Review: Barry Crimmins, Esq., The Law Offices of Barry R. Crimmins, Esq.

Barry Crimmins, Esq. Attorney The Law Offices of Barry R. Crimmins, Esq. What was your greatest professional accomplishment or ...