
What is “constructive receipt of money or property” in a 1031 exchange? - by Kassie Pantelakis

In order to qualify for tax deferral under IRC § 1031, the taxpayer must meet certain requirements. One of these requirements is that the taxpayer cannot have actual or constructive receipt of the proceeds from the relinquished

Appraisers in a box – again: Current trends appear to be constricting ability to provide services - by Bill Pastuszek

I reread an article I wrote three years ago entitled “Appraisers in a Box.” The article discussed that “[r]eal estate professionals are finding it increasingly difficult to carry out professional

New England Real Estate Journal
2019 Fall Preview Spotlight

Check out the New England Real Estate Journal's 2019 Fall Preview Spotlight here!    ...

Considerations of construction in existing healthcare facilities - by Woody Kemp

Working in existing occupied spaces presents additional challenges to construction. Constantly changing regulations mixed with upgrades to existing spaces also adds challenges on top of the specialized constraints of healthcare

2019 fall outlook: Finding a chair before the music stops - by Michael Chase

2019 has been an active year so far for U.S. commercial and multifamily real estate. There appears to be a consensus among fellow practitioners that this summer lacked the typical seasonal slowdown, particularly here in Boston

Minimize taxes when selling appreciated real estate - by Ronald Birnbaum

In my 25 years as a financial advisor I have been asked by many clients how to sell investment real estate without paying a high tax bill. Today’s top tax capital gains bracket is 23.8%, including the 3.8% tax

Property valuation modeling for real estate portfolios - Spencer Macalaster

Many real estate property owners often think they should insure the building for what they paid for it.  This however, does not take into consideration what would happen in the event of an insured property loss

It is the “Mom & Pop” and independent operators who are keeping the economy moving forward - by Dennis Serpone

Well, doesn’t it feel good? It feels like that the good old days are back. The stock market keeps breaking to new highs, ignoring the international turmoil. Oil prices are at reasonable levels, fracking has made the U.S. energy

End of year outlook - Boston industrial real estate market report - by David Skinner

Boston industrial real estate is as hot as it has ever been and there are few signs of slowing down. While we may hear conflicting reports about the health of the U.S. economy as a whole, the specific factors

Looking ahead this fall, the industrial market will continue to be challenged by low inventory - by George Paskalis and Julie Freshman

During 2019, the Rhode Island industrial market has remained consistent with the last couple of years – high demand, low supply, little to no new construction, and heavily influenced by the growth of the Boston economy.