
New England Title and Escrow Services military and first responder discount program - by Elizabeth Camara

Buying a home is one of the most exciting and daunting experiences of one’s life. When you combine the stresses of a home purchase with those of active military duty, I don’t care how tough you are, completing that task may feel downright impossible.

Protecting the American Dream - Risk is a constant battle we face every day - by Eric Stevens

In the real estate settlement industry, risk is a constant battle we face every day. Financial risk, reputational risk, regulatory risk, compliance risk and more are a threat to our livelihood. In the face of all this risk, we believe our greatest responsibility lies within measures

A new era of closings is rapidly approaching – Are you ready? - by Joshua Luksberg

It’s a closing day, and as you prepare for your 11 a.m. closing, you pour a cup of coffee and notice how relaxed and unhurried you are. There is no paper to print, pens to layout, conference room to set up or a rush to get through traffic.

Ones to Watch 2019: Debra Gould, Newmark Knight Frank

If you have a mentor, who is it and how have they influenced your personal & professional growth? My mentor was my mother. She raised nine kids while working full-time as a nurse. She led by example in every aspect of her life. She had a moral compass second to none and worked harder than anyone I knew. Hard shoes to fill.

Ones to Watch 2019: Thomas Dionne, Connolly Brothers Inc.

What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? Over the past year we have worked with two international companies on local projects.

Ones to Watch 2019: Allen Hankins, Bernkopf Goodman

What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Get as much hands-on experience as possible while in law school. Do an internship or volunteer to help an organization with basic legal work.

Ones to Watch 2019: Jaime DeSousa, The DESCO Company, LLC

Who or what do you attribute to your success? Being attentive to clients needs. Be a resource and offer solutions for clients, and not be the problem. Consistency not only with quality of work,

Worcester is poised to make the most of shifts in the New England industrial real estate market - by David Skinner

We love comeback stories. We love rooting for the little guy. In this case, the comeback story of 2019 is the story of Worcester, Mass. Worcester proper boasts a population of 180,000 residents, the second most in New England,

The evolution of retail ownership: Who owns the best “industrial” location? - by John Meador

The consumer retail sector continues to strategize around how to reposition physical stores to offset the growing demand of online shoppers. Many experts suggest that retailers have figured it out—companies understand

Ones to Watch 2019: Frank Flynn, Flynn Law Group PC

What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? There are numerous highlights over my career. Over the past twelve months, there are two major accomplishments that I am most proud of. The first major accomplishment is being invited by HUD