
Ones to Watch 2019: Harry Samolchuk, Connolly Brothers Inc.

Who or what do you attribute to your success? I attribute my success to the work ethic that my parents instilled in me. Sometimes it can be to your advantage if you aren’t the smartest or the most talented right

Ones to Watch 2019: Susan Shelby, Rhino PR

Who or what do you attribute to your success? I attribute my success to my positive attitude and my ability to pivot. I secured my first job in PR at the Neva Group doing PR for high tech startups following an informational interview.

Ones to Watch 2019: Cheryl Saldanha, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? This year, I became a certified passive house designer from the Passive House Institute – a credential that I have wanted

Ones to Watch 2019: Eric Schultheis, Sweeney Real Estate & Appraisal

What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? In the last year my network has grown exponentially through strategic positioning. My existing relations

Ones to Watch 2019: Krista Evans, Acella Construction

What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? When I was promoted to project manager would have to be my greatest accomplishment and being respected in a male dominated general contracting industry.

Ones to Watch 2019: Marc Marcelli, NEI General Contracting

Who or what do you attribute to your success? Our managing principal, Josef Rettman, is always available to discuss strategy and ensure NEI is providing exceptional client service.

Ones to Watch 2019: John Pozerski, Woodcraft Designers & Builders

How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally? Coming from a large family, my parents taught all seven of us how to enjoy life and that spending time with each other was an opportunity to grow, learn, and have simple fun.

Ones to Watch 2019: Patrick Cottrell, Haynes Group Inc.

What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? My most recent, greatest professional accomplishment was being named director of estimating at the Haynes Group.

Ones to Watch 2019: Nelson Luz Santos, Fletcher Tilton, PC

What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? The practice of law may seem like it only involves book knowledge. However, if you are interested in practicing law it requires an appetite to work

Ones to Watch 2019: Nikki Peters, City of Leominster, Mass.

Who or what do you attribute to your success? I grew up in Fitchburg, MA with a single mom who worked multiple jobs to support us. When she was diagnosed with cancer, I moved home from college and started working. I knew I needed a job that would give me