
2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Robin Peters

Growing up as the only girl in a household of rambunctious brothers, I learned early on that if you wanted something you had to get in the scrum and go for it. You couldn’t be afraid to voice your opinion and go against the consensus.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Corinne Maleski

My exposure to design and color started early thanks to my mother’s talents in floral arranging and quilting.  Through education and experience, my natural design strengths have grown into a passion for guiding clients

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Kathleen O’Neill Burgener

Navigating obstacles requires identifying obstacles as well as priorities. I have found it is helpful to enjoy activities outside of work that have a meditative component - sometimes the solution to an issue will present itself as I am out for a run on the Charles River.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Leslie King

I find that the best way to navigate obstacles as a construction litigator is to form strong relationships based on mutual trust with your clients, no matter the size of their claim. If you care about your clients,

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Brianna Goodwin

I didn’t let other people limit or define my success. Coming into the construction business as a young ‘girl’ along with the stigma that comes from being the ‘bosses’ daughter’ set me up for continuous challenges to overcome throughout my career.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Cindi Giugliano Cascio

I am naturally very detail-oriented, focused, methodical and thorough—which you wouldn’t believe if you looked at my messy house. Those traits have been an asset in my career as an architect.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Heather Conley

The challenge of learning the “business” of my business has been more exciting and educational than anything I do with a camera. A combination of hard work; focus like a laser beam vs. a flashlight (mantra from my trusted coach);

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Nancy Hagstrom

Before I entered the business world I was a mom and an English teacher immersed in a world of kids and horses. My first day as a new business owner found me unable to figure out how to answer the phone and put someone on hold,

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Jennifer Pinck

I knew from the beginning it was going to be difficult breaking into the male-dominated construction industry. I had to be persistent and resilient to build credibility. I worked hard to prove my skills and my potential,

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Sara Bryant

An essential skill of an effective lawyer is the ability to see a situation from multiple perspectives. When counseling clients or helping them pursue or defend a position, this helps the client not only understand and evaluate his or her risk but...