
2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Molly Titus

I am an outgoing person that is easy to talk to.  Being in a technical career having those qualities are an advantage when trying to communicate with people with varied occupations and backgrounds.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Rebecca Sullivan

Some of the best advice given to me was to present solutions, not problems. I focus on identifying solutions to problems, which helps me navigate through obstacles. I believe it is important to have the necessary personal infrastructure in place to handle problems as they arise.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Colby Cavanagh

As an architect, there are obstacles and challenges in every aspect of my job.  I’ve found the best ways to overcome the obstacles are with clear communication, a collaborative approach, and a sense of humor.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Jennifer Christakes

I have a unique background, having served as a captain in the Army Corps of Engineers prior to joining JLL. I found that the Army taught me a lot about discipline, leadership and management skills and I’ve been able to leverage those strengths

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Lisa Nickerson

My passion and expertise in real estate allows me to drive maximum results for clients. I play an active role in big-picture strategy for Nickerson’s real estate clients, insisting our team always seeks new and better ways to show ROI and drive results...

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Robin Magnussen Clark

Being a woman in construction requires tolerance and stamina. I use my knowledge where best served and I don’t back down at an opportunity to learn more. I treat others...

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Rebecca Bachand

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career: Once I was out of the security of a large firm where I had a supporting cas...

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Laura Gregoriadis

Years in real estate: 13 What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of: CREW Boston – former board of director...

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Laurie Pirie

One of the most important tools I have worked to develop during my career is a flexible point of view. This means I strive to see what appears to be an obstacle, not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to look at the issue from a different point of view.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Sarah Cormier

Balancing the demands of being a competitive weightlifter, mother of a toddler, and architectural designer takes excellent project management skills. The ability to set goals, create an action plan, and have the discipline to execute the plan is essential.