
2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Caitlin Burke

I struggled with knowing if commercial real estate was the right industry for me in my first few years out of college. I was envious of my peer’s jobs at “cool,” young startups. I was also intimidated by the male dominated culture and the unknowns...

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Laureen Poulakis

Even before our WBE Certification, I have been intimately involved with all aspects of the business and work hard at ensuring customer satisfaction.  Being hands on in the development of strong client relationships and always looking for ways to develop and improve procedures and exceed industry standards is key.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Judy Ravech

In May 2017, I moderated and addressed a CREW Boston luncheon panel on the topic of “Capital Markets: Are We In the 8th Inning?”  While I’ve had public speaking experience in the context of my non-profit leadership,

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Kelley Hannon

When I was offered the position as the IREM association executive 18 years ago, I knew it would be challenging at times and a lot of hard work. I also knew that I would have to be dedicated, organized, enduring, motivated and extremely focused all the time.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Erika Clarke

I was laid off early in my career. I remember being devastated and defeated but there was a silver lining, my education payback handcuffs were removed and that allowed me to relocate.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Julie Ann Schultz

My principal strength is my organizational skills. The ability to absorb large amounts of information and keep it organized in a logistical manner is crucial to completing projects on time and makes me an asset to the success of a project.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Heather Perry

I try to approach every obstacle as an opportunity to learn and grow.  I became a property manager at 23 and was immediately thrown into the crazy world of property management.  I had so much to learn, but I have always been eager to take on the next challenge.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Erin Channel

The benefits of mentoring are widespread, not only as a mentee but also as a mentor. The mentors I’ve had over the course of my career have provided me support and guidance in time management, career development and conflict resolution. Our relationships have also enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Shirley Harpool

Always look for what the owner, developer, retailer or broker needs when an obstacle occurs such as a general giving written permission to build a road on the National Guard’s property behind a shopping center.

2017 Women in Real Estate Spotlight - Jill Sharif

A positive attitude and strong work ethic are two key strengths that become contagious the more you demonstrate them. A positive attitude not only allows the work to get done effectively, but it also motivates the people around you to view the challenges and obstacles in a better light.