
The closer to Boston, the less risk the property has, this really benefits owners within Rte. 128 - by David Skinner

How do we think about suburban industrial sites in a world that some would say is “spinning out of control?” What are the trends that need to be noticed? Where are the dangers? The pitfalls? Equally as interesting, where are the opportunities? Where are the most likely places to score, and score big? Here are a

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Viktoria Alkova, Coastal Land & Commercial Group at Keller Williams Coastal Realty

What has been your biggest challenge and how have you faced it? There definitely were plenty of challenges in the beginning. To put things in perspective, I was raised in Russia and grew up in a family of business-owners and was involved in running multiple businesses

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Sarah Ashley, Bowdoin Construction Corp.

What trends will dominate your industry in the coming months? I believe the use of Augmented Reality will become more and more prevalent in commercial real estate, primarily for its efficiency in project design. Through the ability to show how spaces can be programmed ahead of being built

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Shelby Procopio, The Procopio Companies

What has been your biggest challenge and how have you faced it? There are many challenges that come with trying to build a positive corporate culture and lead organizational human resource functions in the CRE industry.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Deidre Raimo, The Procopio Companies

What has been your biggest challenge and how have you faced it? My biggest challenge has been not taking full advantage of all the opportunities I’ve had in the past. Make sure to take notes on everything

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Bianca Carlson, The Procopio Companies

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? One piece of advice I would give to other women entering the commercial real estate industry is to not be afraid of taking on jobs and responsibilities that seem intimidating. There is no job out there too big for you!

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Becky Bedwell, Cottonwood Group

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Always follow your gut, use your voice, and take care of yourself (while still being a team player). It’s all too easy to get lost in the shuffle in the commercial real estate business—so work hard to get a seat at the table

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Bethany Lyons, Washington Trust

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? I would say this is applicable to anyone getting into the CRE industry—build your network and find a mentor. The importance of forging and maintaining relationships cannot be overstated

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Julia Anne Slom, Washington Trust

Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why? Brene Brown, Mother Theresa, and Oprah Winfrey are all on my list of favorites. They bring value by being experts in their chosen work and prioritize giving back to the less fortunate.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Laura Nesmith, Colliers

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? My advice would be to make connections through networking. I have joined several service organizations and women’s business groups that have helped with professional growth