
2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Abigail Morneault, Colliers

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Your network is everything. Be sure to surround yourself with genuine, authentic, and supportive connections. Those who can share best practices, be there when times are tough

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Megan Hogan, Margulies Perruzzi

What trends will dominate your industry in the coming months? The biggest trend right now is flexibility as it relates to the re-shaping of the office post-pandemic. The hybrid model is still the way of the future, but this concept is still evolving as demand from the workforce increases.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Tiffany Best, Margulies Perruzzi

What has been your biggest challenge and how have you faced it? Healthcare is constantly evolving, and it is important, as a designer, to evolve with it. Our role as architects and interior designers

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Marisa Somers, NEI General Contracting

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? The best piece of advice that has always helped me throughout my career is don’t be afraid to ask questions. The industry is full of people with a wealth of knowledge and can be any member of the team

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Jessica Morrissey, NEI General Contracting

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Try a different role or take on a difficult project. So much growth can be achieved by striving to succeed at a difficult or new task/role

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Susan Shelby, Rhino PR

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Get involved with a professional organization like CREW Boston. Join a committee and be an active member to build your network.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Becky Yang, Kaplan Construction

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? I would recommend spending time in the field to understand constructability and means and methods as well as seeing differing existing conditions

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Lisa Hamilton, Northstar Project & Real Estate Services

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? As an owner’s project manager, commercial real estate has offered me a dynamic opportunity to utilize my technical, analytical, communications,

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Natasha Marcuard, Northstar Project & Real Estate Services

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Speak up, ask questions, take the time to understand the responses and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. As women in a male-dominated industry

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Kristen O’Brien, O’Brien Commercial Properties, Inc.

In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? Change and growth seem to go hand in hand, so I am most proud of how the OCP team has worked together in 2022 to navigate and rise to meet the challenges of change.