
2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Kerry Wood, New England Retail Properties Inc.

Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why? Gina Raimondo, former governor of RI and current US Secretary of Commerce is inspiring to me. She refused to box herself in to appeal to different constituencies.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Wendy Pierce, Lincoln Property Company

What has been your biggest challenge and how have you faced it? In the early years of my career the biggest challenge I faced was balancing young children and family with a career I loved; a career that happened to need just as much of my attention.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Jessica Aylward, The Bulfinch Companies (Bulfinch)

In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? In this past year Bulfinch implemented an entirely new accounting and reporting platform for the company. Rolling out new technology can be challenging but seeing a project through

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Hayley Copp, The Bulfinch Companies (Bulfinch)

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? It is important to understand how your personal development goals align with your organizations’ objectives.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Kerin Petitti, The Bulfinch Companies (Bulfinch)

Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why? Kristin Woeste, partner of Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP in Cincinnati, continuously inspires me by her extensive CRE knowledge and ability to seamlessly complete

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Cayla Franco, The Bulfinch Companies (Bulfinch)

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Don’t be afraid to speak up. As a young female in a male-dominant industry, it can be difficult to navigate.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Elyse Kelley The Bulfinch Companies (Bulfinch)

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? CRE can be intimidating to jump into, especially for women, and even more so if you are earlier in your career. My advice is to stay the course, be a sponge for knowledge

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Laura Gribbell, The Bulfinch Companies (Bulfinch)

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Don’t be afraid of asking questions and doing so confidently. Make sure you understand what is being asked of you.

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Patricia Pinto, Sanborn | Head & Associates, Inc.

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? I would encourage women to begin networking early in their careers. We can learn so much by connecting with each other, asking questions, and listening. Mentors, professional development and business opportunities sometimes come from unexpected avenues

2022 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Kerry Hawkins, Greystar Life Science

What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry? Always raise your hand for new opportunity. Several times in my career I’ve been asked to pivot and take on roles I wasn’t excited about, but in agreeing to