
Rules for identifying replacement property in a 1031 tax-deferred exchange - by Brendan Greene

Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 1031 allows a property owner, who holds property for “the productive use in a trade or business or for investment”, to defer paying any capital gains taxes if the property owner sells such property, identifies “like kind” property within 45 days of the sale, and acquires other “like kind” property within 180 days of the sale. There are three primary rules for identifying Replacement Property within the 45-day time period:

What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2018? - by Sarah Tricot

Closing on a $14 million refinance transaction which took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get done. The property that was being refinanced for construction purposes, involved a ground lease with the municipality and was cross-collateralized with land in another town wherein the borrower was the landlord in a similar ground lease situation. It involved complex title research,

What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2018? - by Dennis Serpone

Through our subsidiary, The Hotel Exchange, our largest deal was the $3.3 million sale of Raffael’s function facility in Walpole to the Saphire Group.

What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2018? - by Keb Brackenbury

For me, this comes right back to the diversity of the past year – our team ran the gamut of projects and transactions that covered different property types.  There were modest credit and large credit transactions; new office construction and rehabilitation projects. We worked on deals that had historical tax credits, state tax credits, and Rebuild Rhode Island

What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2018? - by Robert Marcus

We worked on several projects throughout the year and all have come in on-time and on-budget. We are thankful for the skill levels of all of our vendors and their responsiveness to our client’s needs.

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2019? - by Janet Morra

MPA’s clients are increasingly viewing the workplace as an important physical asset for attracting and retaining top talent, and we expect that trend to continue in 2019. Younger employees are looking for flexible, dynamic workplaces, not the old office models of the past. There is a clear business imperative for creating a work environment that inspires, motivates, and connects employees,

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2019? - by David Ellis

We see several trends for 2019. Even with a rising interest environment, there is strong demand and pricing of core industrial and flex properties inside 495. We believe there will be significant trading of these assets in 2019 as more owners look to lock in appreciation and buyers look to lock in rates before anticipated increases.

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2018? - by Dennis Serpone

We’ve merged with the New England Restaurant Group to form the largest hospitality brokerage and consultancy in the country approaching a half billion in sales and fees.

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2019? - by Greg Lewis

The life science industry will take advantage of the bountiful opportunities suburban cities and towns offer at a faster rate. Although Cambridge will always be the epicenter of the life science industry in Massachusetts, the low vacancy rate coupled with the increasing rents will continue to make the suburbs attractive to many small to mid-size companies

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2019? - by Edward Zuker

Boston will continue to be strengthened by the education and hospital communities who have inspired the development of high tech, biotech, and entrepreneurship. The proactive government, lead by governor Baker and mayor Walsh, provides the construction of commercial buildings to serve the economic growth and housing for the new residents to keep the greater