Connecticut delivers construction documents tomorrow for $1 - anywhere in the U.S.

Developer Steve Colucci is a respected residential and commercial developer with a proven track record and a reputation for quality projects...

Better than expected jobs report welcome news but serious concerns remain

The July employment report offered a welcome respite from disconcerting global economic news and the protracted debt-ceiling debate in Washi...

Commercial and residential real estate - The base player of the economy's band

Heaven helps us but somehow, someway we're back here again. Just when it looked like there would be some period of financial stability which...

Facebook is an opportunity to connect with your customers and community in a unique way

Social media is bringing us together. The world is smaller and our connections to one another are increasingly direct. It is more difficult ...

Where do you go when your bank can't do it all? - The Connecticut Development Authority

More than two years after the Great Recession officially ended in June 2009, the national banking industry is still struggling to meet the h...

Hartford is at a crossroads, figuratively & literally, due to major transit systems crossing through it

Hartford was settled in 1623 as a Dutch post called House of Hope. The new settlement was located at the end of what was the navigable porti...

New edition of Principles of Real Estate Management available from IREM

The 16th edition of Principles of Real Estate Management, completely updated and expanded to reflect key changes and trends shaping today's ...

Greater Hartford BOMA President's Message

As everyone closely watches the stock market, the reports on unemployment and job growth, Greater Hartford BOMA opens its fall programming w...

Southern Connecticut BOMA President's Message

We are well into the summer months, relaxing, taking vacations, spending more time with family and friends. However, the committees of South...

Metro Hartford - Local connections to global opportunities

The second semester is over and the global report card is in - needs improvement! Our nation got its lowest grade by Standard & Poor's, cutt...