
Private equity groups are looking for upscale destination resorts and have cash for opportunities - by Earle Wason

Looking back at the year 2021my firm, Wason Associates Hospitality Real Estate Brokerage Group, had one of our best years in hotel brokerage transactions and dollar volume. As we head into the new year, we are already on a pace to be even better in 2022.

The construction industry has quietly been reinventing itself over the past few decades - by Robert Duval

Labor shortages, rising prices, and regulatory delays. No sector of the economy seems to be immune to these problems, although the construction sector seems to be among the hardest hit. “When will things return to normal” is no longer the question

The wait and see is over: 2022 promises to be a big year and promises action and reaction - by Brett Pelletier

After what has felt like a decade of waiting and staying home and masking up and testing and vaccines, things are starting to change. Cautious optimism is the word of the day. There are comforting signs in the data from the wastewater COVID-19 tracking system

New England commercial banks continue to dominate the commercial real estate lending market - by Derek Coulombe

In opposition to most prognostications, 2021 was a strong year for commercial real estate across all asset classes.  As to be expected some property types did lag others, with multifamily, industrial and lab being the runaway winners but even retail, office

What role does signage play in opening up your new retail destination? - by Richard Poyant

Signage plays a key role in showcasing your retail store’s brand image and drawing new customers into your door. It is important to develop a vibrant, fresh, and inviting branding package to let shoppers know you are open for business. Signs can be a major indicator to

We expect to see continued strong leasing activity, low vacancy rates, and spec development projects - by Julie Freshman and George Paskalis

In 2022, we expect the industrial market in Rhode Island to continue to exhibit historically low vacancy rates, i.e. in the 1-2% range for “modern” industrial buildings. Similar to 2020 and 2021, demand for industrial space will continue to come from

A look ahead. Loan originations will remain strong for much of 2022, yet less robust than last year - by Alan Doyle

Categorizing last year’s commercial mortgage loan originations as “strong” would qualify as a gross understatement.  More appropriate, certainly, would be the term “record setting,” as lenders surpassed their 2021 loan-origination

All economic forecasts should be treated skeptically, because these are not normal times - by Mike Alves

Despite the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the U.S. economy ended 2021 in strong shape. Holiday spending rose by 8.5% compared with last year, according to a recent survey. In the four-week period that ended on December 25th, initial unemployment

2021 Year in Review: Robert Horvath, Executive Vice President, Horvath & Tremblay

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022? Investor demand was high throughout 2021, we anticipate 2022 being a very active year. Interest rates remain low, with a continued product supply issue. Buyers need to be very aggressive when competing on quality assets

2021 Year in Review: Mary Ettinger, SVP, Commercial Real Estate Lender, BankRI (Bank Rhode Island)

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? As great as it was to be able to turn to technology to continue doing business, nothing replicates those face-to-face customer interactions. Relationships are so important to us at BankRI and vital to how we support our customers