
In support of appraisers and their effectiveness in handling increasing-complicated valuation issues - by Peter Flynn and Jason Scopa

As a real estate attorney specializing in eminent domain litigation for 40 years or so, I have seen changes in many aspects of the real estate business, both inside and outside of the courtroom. I have worked with and against countless real estate appraisers on all

The success of this industry sits squarely in the hands of the public - by Dennis Serpone

Depending where you’re standing in the topsy-turvy world and through this pandemic, that doesn’t seem to want to go away, your view will be positive or negative.

New Hampshire seacoast 2022 market outlook - by Kent White and Christian Stallkamp

We hoped that 2021 would see an end to the pandemic, and that we would be returning to “normal” in a post-COVID society. Yet here we are at the beginning of 2022, still waiting, while the global pandemic continues to create challenges for the commercial real

The way we live, shop and work or learn has changed and seems to be ever changing - by David O'Sullivan

Welcome to 2022. This January is not an episode of ground hog day even if it feels like it. We are now two years into this pandemic and it has upended everything in our lives and in the construction industry. The way we live, shop and work or learn has changed and seems to be ever changing. We have made

New Hampshire industrial and office markets are moving in different directions in 2022 - by Kristie Russell

The New Hampshire market finished the year with a strong quarter, seeing multiple transactions in the industrial and office sectors. That said, the two categories are moving in different directions. The industrial market continued to tighten as its vacancy rate fell by

An incredible year for the Boston commercial real estate market - by Webster Collins

When I called CBRE’s New England research director to ask about events that I could “Zoom into” to gather data for a 2022 kick-off story, I was told that we would receive the following market summaries:

The Greater Portland retail forecast for 2022: On track for continued growth in 2022 and beyond - by Peter Harrington

In 2021, we saw the economy continue the road to recovery. With a population weary of being sequestered at home for much of 2020 and 2021 and ready to return to normal life, restaurants began showing an increase in business as they welcomed customers back in-person and

The future of risk: The cost of risk in a changing market - by Mark Manzi

The past year was defined by an unprecedented number of varied natural catastrophes, political and social unrest, COVID-19 variant concerns, supply chain crisis and surging ransomware attacks. As we enter 2022 and look to the future, the cost of risk in our dynamic

Because we are humans, history repeats itself, so keep an eye out, and don’t get over-leveraged - by David Skinner

History is far more interesting than fiction. That’s because history will happen again. The prophets of every generation read history because the actions of history ere done by humans, and humans have not really changed. Sure, we have access to more

Owners are facing significant capital gains taxes - by Brendan Greene and Mark McCue

Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 1031 allows a property owner, who holds property for “the productive use in a trade or business or for investment” to defer paying capital gains taxes if the property owner sells such property, identifies “like kind” property within forty-five days