
2021 Year in Review: Heidi Prisco, Director of Marketing, Inspired Technology

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022? More touchless solutions being implemented. I see companies upgrading legacy access control systems (badge based) to a mobile credentials platform. You can just wave your hand at the reader instead of having to touch it.

2021Year in Review: Robert Marcus President & Manager of LLC Robert Marcus Real Estate Company, Inc.

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? I learned to be more patient with my employees and more grateful of their commitment to their work and family. I also learned to be especially grateful of my clients and their commitment to our business and vendors.

2021 Year in Review: Luiza Mills, Vice President, Human Resources, Interstate Electrical Services

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? Safety and communication were, and always will be, our top priorities. When the pandemic hit, we utilized numerous avenues to take these priorities to the next level.

2021 Year in Review: Peter Cusson, Chief Financial Officer, Vantage Builders, Inc.

What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? There was a comment someone made over drinks that stuck with me, though I didn’t realize until the past year just how insightful it is. She said companies are easy to run in good times. It’s during hard times that companies and people show what they are made of.

2021 Year in Review: Kerri Spurr Gallaway, Senior Vice President, A.W. Perry, Inc.

What was your greatest professional accomplishment or most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2021? In 2021, our team was successful in securing leases with several great new tenants and in signing long-term renewals and expansions with existing tenants for office space in Boston and on the South Shore.

2021 Year in Review: Parker Snyder, Director of Business Development, ARCO New England

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? Opportunities abound in distress. As the retail and hospitality sectors suffered, developers pivoted to industrial. We were well positioned to be the beneficiary of a building boom.

2021 Year in Review: Bill Pastuszek, MAI, Owner, Shepherd Associates LLC

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? There are really two, and they are related. One is that people respond to seemingly insurmountable challenges extraordinarily well, if allowed to think things through. The second is that markets adapt to change in surprising and unforeseeable ways.

2021 Year in Review: Carol Todreas, Consultant, Todreas Hanley Associates

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? The biggest lesson learned during the pandemic was how important it is for people to congregate with other people. This in turn led to thinking about how our streets and neighborhoods could work better so that people could easily have places to enjoy others.

2021 Year in Review: Thomas Sweeney, SIOR, Owner/Principal, Sweeney Real Estate & Appraisal

What was the biggest lesson you learned while working during the pandemic? Early in my career I learned that the building and management of a successful business comes down to creating supportive relationships, both on the community and team level.

2021 Year in Review: Peter Forman, President & CEO, South Shore Chamber of Commerce

What are your predictions for your industry in 2022? Chambers can expect to see many new start-ups and new employees in the next two years – many will want to use their chambers to build their platforms. The challenge will be to balance service to individual members