Appraisal & Consulting

What will interest rates be? Not your father’s loan package - by Daniel Calano

>Back in the good old days, and I do mean old, real estate planning was relatively simple: The key metric was location, location, location, later improved by timing, timing, timing. Yes, there was a nod to supply/demand analysis, and thus competition, but the data was not as available as you needed.

Residential appraiser modernization and market update - by William Pastuszek

Ever since interest rates started their climb in 2022, appraiser volume went the other way. Residential appraisers doing mortgage work depend on two types of mortgage pipelines: purchases and refinances. For a while now, neither source has produced much flow.

The Great Apartment Boom in Connecticut - by John Nitz

Several major cities in Connecticut are exploding with new apartment development and/or proposals in recent years. The increasing demand for housing, low apartment vacancy rates, and rising apartment rents have been driving factors encouraging new development throughout Connecticut. Cities such as Hartford, New Haven, New Britain, and Stamford

The deal and the data - by David Kirk

Not confusing. Complicated. Not a commodity. Commercial property is converting to a higher and better use. Still an economic derivative. Following the economy! Talk it out. Walk it out. Got gas. Use it!

Nahigian appointed vice-chair of chapter activities committee for the Counselors of Real Estate

Newton, MA Rob Nahigian, CRE of Auburndale Realty Co., was appointed as the 2024 national vice-chair of the national activities committee for the Counselors of Real Estate (CRE).

Housing: Some new solutions - by Daniel Calano

I am definitely weary of reading, and writing, about the “housing crisis.” Through my and other’s last several articles regarding interest rates, permit delays, materials and labor costs, logistic issues, you have heard it all. As Yogi Berra would say, it is déjà vu, all over again.

Appraisal regulation: A brief history - by William Pastuszek

With the issuance of a new edition of USPAP, after a four-year hiatus, this is a good time to review some aspects of appraisal history and appraisal regulation. According to The Appraisal Foundation website, The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is the generally recognized ethical and performance standards

Partial interest valuation of real estate - A case study - by Marc Nadeau

Partial interest valuation is a technique used by appraisers and other valuation professionals to estimate the value of a fractional interest in real estate. Fractional interests in real estate result from the owner’s ownership of less than 100% of a given property.

Historic preservation and springtime in Boston - by David Kirk

The commercial property market plugs forward and falls back as demand for traditional property types, office and retail predominantly, ripples and recedes in spite resilient economy. Lower water marks in occupancy are prevalent and persistent, particularly in the older inventory in the built environment in the central business district.

What to look for in 2024 - by William Pastuszek

Having put 2023 firmly behind in the rear-view mirror, let’s look at 2024. Not a lot of predictions but many things to be on the lookout for in what a less chaotic but extremely important year may be ahead.